A Look Into My Studio+Reduction Print+Step 7

Back in the tub.  Today I’m printing the key block, or black color which usually means the print is finished.  I have a final idea that I may incorporate, but want to see how this works out first.

Since this may be the last color I do, I have carved away almost everything except for outlines and the tower-like structure in the top right.

It’s important to note that I do not print in the near dark.  the lighting is so bad in my studio for taking pictures that I shut them off and rely on daylight.  Lately, it seems, the days I can get some printing done are the leftover days of the Portland gray winter sky.  I can’t wait for spring to come.

I’m happy with it, but still tempted to try to push it further.  We’ll see how it looks in a few days.

Have a great day.

Copyright©2012 by Drew Kail

20 thoughts on “A Look Into My Studio+Reduction Print+Step 7”

  1. The print looks great. I’m always amazed and in awe of people who do reduction methods. What if I screw up? Then it is all for naught. I am not so brave as to use this method.

    1. Thanks. I think screw ups sometimes end up as amazing art, and that’s why I like to keep the making process a fluid one. You should try it and conquer your fears. I’m sure you’ll be a success.

      1. You are very welcome. We’re using hard tan “not-like-butter” lino blocks instead of soft grey “just-like-butter” lino blocks so the carving is going v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. Thinking of putting hair dryers on them to heat them while carving…

      2. It seems as though they make these tan blocks out of some sort of titanium or whatever the hardest substance on earth is. Going to get the hair dryers now… glad to know they worked for you. 🙂

    1. Thanks Rosie. I’m pretty pleased with it, but am still on the fence about pushing it further. It was originally carved as a black and white, but seven colors later… who knows. I really have printed that block into the ground.

  2. hi drew, thanks for liking my blog. i’ve really enjoyed looking at your studio and the process of reduction printing. i’ve just started lino cutting and i also work at the kitchen table…so it’s good to know you can do such good stuff in a small space. can i ask you why you soak the paper before each print? i’ve been shown how to do it onto dry paper.
    cheers 🙂

    1. Thanks. I’m glad you like my blog. I really try to show that there is life after the university print shop, and it can be done on the cheap as well. I presoak my paper to relieve it of excess starch in order to make it more open to impression. This is because I use cotton paper rather than rice paper for reductions. I continue to soak it prior to each subsequent printing to ensure a quality transfer.

      I really enjoy your blog and have started following it.

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